By Akua Quao
Is life slapping you in the face with problems? The reality is that if you ask any adult, they will confirm that this is the path in life; the key is learning how to travel through that rough journey as smoothly as possible.
But how can we really succeed in life if we are stressed, tired and worn out by the challenges of this world? Alongside the current crisis of Covid-19, you may also have already been contending with some very difficult daily battles such as trying to make ends meet, find a job, overcome illness, look for solutions to a difficult relationship. The list is practically endless. You may even be showing a bold front when you are hurting inside because the challenges you face really do appear insurmountable.
Now that we are limited in how we can socially interact due to social distancing guidelines, we will understandably have concerns about going back to our regular places to relax and unwind. No doubt this could or will increase our anxiety levels causing us to sometimes feel a more heightened amount of stress than usual.
Researchers have found that people who take the time to intentionally take care of themselves reduce the likelihood of feeling low. Continually worrying about issues can cloud our judgement. It can also limit our ability to have adequate rest which will have a compounded effect on eating and sleep patterns. So, what could we possibly take away from the lockdown experience and turn to our advantage? Perhaps we can firstly reflect and ask ourselves a few important questions
What am I presently doing daily to ensure I have strength and stamina?
Am I really taking enough time to rest and recuperate?
What can I currently do with the resources I have to improve my health and wellbeing?
The answers could be a lot, a little or nothing. If you are currently doing a fair amount to take good care of yourself, that’s great! But if you are not, then this is a good juncture to begin to take little steps towards feeling more rested and at peace.
A good place to start is with what you have. Something we all have is the gift of time and how we choose to use it, and a good first step would be to simply spend time on yourself. This could be achieved in so many ways without even needing to leave the house.
Pamper yourself in the bathroom
enjoy a good movie
read a good book
Put on some music and dance
To be honest, do anything that will feel like a special treat to you. The most important thing is to take the time to do what you love and enjoy it, as what you are ultimately doing is establishing your inner peace.
When you have achieved that sense of inner peace during chaos, you will be revitalised and able to think up practical strategies for improving the areas of your life that continue to be troubled.
Let us promise ourselves that from today, we will use the various resources available to help us repair, nourish and restore our bodies and mind. Enjoy!
Akua is an educator and public health practitioner with extensive experience in health communications. She has over 20 years’ experience of working with organisations where she established public health initiatives underpinned by health promotion theory, which focus on awareness raising, influencing behaviour change and addressing social and health inequalities.