By Farah Asemi

As we are all trying to adjust to the new mode of life with Covid-19 and the pandemic, it has become painful for me as a business owner and environmentalist to witness the hardship suffered by so many people around the World. Covid-19 has completely overshadowed many other priorities such as pursuing a more environmentally friendly mode of life. Financial survival, well-being, finding the right vaccines, and social distancing have become practically everyone’s top concerns. Currently, the only silver lining for the environment is the cleaner air caused by the much lower use of hydrocarbons in cars, planes, and the manufacturing sector.

I started operating an eco-friendly last mile delivery logistics business using electric cargo bikes and electric vans in London nine months ago. Our ethos centres around affordable, competitive, first class professional delivery services whilst reducing air pollution through the replacement of diesel vans and lorries.

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I have lived most of my adult life in North London. Every day the thought of fighting congested roads, which seem to be under constant construction, with 3-way and 4-way temporary traffic lights, made me want to cancel all my appointments in the city and simply stay home. Having realised that diesel engines, lorry and van traffic are the big culprits for city pollution and congestion, I decided it was high time to take some action. As a newcomer in the world of start-ups, I got talking to friends and family on how I could go about making a difference in an area I am very passionate about; a cleaner environment, less congested streets, and a professional operation.

I quickly realised that no university course can prepare you for starting and operating a business better than simply jumping into the deep end of the pool with my principles intact, so I have instilled the ecofleet ethos to include

  • integrity (my number one priority),

  • focus on what really matters,

  • optimism,

  • premium quality customer service, and

  • Risk taking.

Covid-19 completely overshadowed the Earth Day celebrations this year. Yet I see many common threads between my environmental concerns, the pandemic, and Tsunami. When the Tsunami hit East Asia, it was quite sudden, with plenty of devastation and years of rebuilding. Covid-19 is lasting much longer and recovery from it will be even more painful. The environmental Tsunami has been ongoing for quite some time but as the impact is not sudden and visibly devastating, we seem to be ignoring it or putting it on the back burner for the next generation to deal with. I see our collective environmental malaise as a house with the gas cooker leaking without the occupants realising it because the leaking gas is odourless. All it takes is one struck match to blow up the house.

The alarming facts surrounding environmental impact, make me determined to continue my journey in the growth of ecofleet and other sustainable mobility solutions not only in London but across the UK. At the current rate, the number of delivery vehicles in major metropolitan cities will grow by 36% by 2030 as a result, emissions from delivery trucks will go up by 32%.

With 4 million parcels being delivered daily in London, an environmental disaster is real and inevitable with our current lifestyle as a global community. With the launch and future expansion of ecofleet into other markets I am trying to make a small difference towards eliminating pollution and congestion, but I believe everyone needs to pitch in to avert further destruction of our world. I have entrusted my family savings to this project and do expect to run it as growing enterprise when one day the name ecofleet will be synonymous with the best in last mile sustainable delivery. I do have sleepless nights, but my optimism and the wonderful people surrounding me give me the courage to move forward at full speed.

Farah Asemi, Founder & CEO ecofleet

Last mile delivery service: zero emission, efficient & sustainable

To learn more follow ecofleet on Facebook