By Ellie Varley
Launched in April 2019, Vote For Your Future is a cross-party campaign with the sole purpose of ensuring that more young people are registering to vote and participating in the democratic process. Recent analysis by the youth-led campaign, Vote For Your Future shows that record levels of young people, are finding their political voice, and are registering to vote.
When young people reach voting age most are going through significant change, for example, moving to University, moving out, starting their first job or sometimes a combination of all. All of these changes are affected by Politics in some shape or form - from paying University fees to the introduction of Apprenticeships or Zero Contract Hours, therefore it is important young people contribute to democracy in an informed way. With the twist and turmoil to the political landscape brought on by Brexit, this is more important than ever and it would appear Brexit has encouraged more young people to find their voice and join the debate.
Joining Vote for Your Future was something of the utmost importance to me. Not only am I working to ensure that more people my age, engage in politics and voting - something I view as second nature, but I am also working with activists from various parties and Brexit campaigns to create positive change. It is giving me a well-rounded experience.
For those that cannot understand why I continue to vote, and to those who say: “I don’t vote, my vote doesn’t count to anything’, I want to explain why voting is important to me as a young person.
Voting is the first step in our democracy and is right we take for granted. By participating in local elections to elect your Local Councillor you are determining how much council tax you pay, how that money is spent, and whether your bins are collected weekly or monthly. At a national level, when you vote for your Member of Parliament or Party, you are voting on laws, and policies which govern the Country. Whether you are passionate about climate change or low level letterboxes - your vote shapes your future. Every election is shaped by those who turn up.
Young people have consistently fallen short at the ballot box and Vote For Your Future has started to change that.
We understand that political engagement and understanding is synonymous with political investment. When questioned, those who chose not to vote often claim that they don’t understand who to vote for. For this reason, I would like to see more education in schools and information in the public domain, even if it is as basic as how to vote. I feel this would bring confidence to young people, so they get out to the ballot booth and feel they can make an informed decision.
We are constantly talked about as the reason for MPs voting a certain way to protect our futures, as opposed to spoken to. This approach needs to change. Those who will inherit the future determined by MPs in Westminster should be out there shaping it. Our campaign has reached out to other youth campaigns across the country and have support from UK Youth, My Life My Say, Students For Brexit, Shoutout UK and Our Future Our Choice.
Our message is simple: “We as a generation have the power to change the course of history, and the first step we can take in doing so is to vote”.