By Jay S Khan. BA, MBA, CMgr

We will all remember the year 2020 for many different reasons and for those that are younger, you will in time learn all about this year as part of history.  Bereavement, tragedies, queues, daily news conferences, confusion, and the obsession for buying toilet paper are just some of the things that will stick in the mind for many.  It goes without saying that many endured hardship and obstacles unlike anything they have encountered before in their life.

The Covid-19 pandemic bought the world to its knees in a way not seen in modern times. It has been said that you would have to go back to the Second World War for a comparable time when the nation was destabilised like this. That in itself says everything about 2020 and, similarly to that period, adversity can often bring out the best in people.

Now however, with the announcement and roll out of the vaccine, there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel.  Let’s hope that this is the beginning of better times ahead.  

This lockdown can be a time of reflection. The iconography of the past year will no doubt shape the way we move forward. It is time to look to the year ahead and what will be the next chapter of your life. We often consider resolutions to be enacted in the New Year and, whilst before so many would have fallen by the wayside come February, 2021 should be the year that we try and properly indoctrinate them into our lives going forward.

Here are 10 simple ideas to get you started -

When making a change, always keep in mind what it is that will help to keep you motivated, and what is the outcome that you wish to achieve.  This could be anything from saving money, becoming healthier, or simply enriching your own and your family’s life.

1.         Eat healthy and Exercise more - Very common and popular and probably one of the most beneficial and most difficult to sustain but persistence and dedication is the key.

2.         Give up a bad habit – This could be anything that you consider as a bad habit and can include the obvious ones of giving up smoking, reducing alcohol intake, or as simple as stopping biting your nails.

3.         Be more Charitable with your time and money – Charity may not always be about giving money, it can be time, resources or expertise, so think about what you may have that someone less fortunate can benefit from.

4.         Learn or do something new – This could be absolutely anything from cooking, learning a new language, or something far more left-field such as bog snorkelling or taking part in a cheese chasing competition!

5.        Post lockdown spend more time with family and friends – This is one of the biggest things to consider coming out of an unprecedented year.

6.         Do that thing you always wanted – The last 10 months has produced innovation that otherwise may not have come to the fore as a result of job losses, lockdown etc.

7.         Take a chance and be adventurous – Once you hit a certain milestone in age, you tend to lose your mojo slightly, so aim to get it back and consider what adventure means for you, this could anything from hiking to taking part in boot camp.

8.         Make time for yourself and go for a walk or cycle – Resolutions don’t always have to be intense, do something more calming that allows you to be self-reflective more often.

9.         Resolve ongoing disputes with friends and family – As difficult as this sounds at times, the last 10 months has shown us that life is not forever and sometimes we may have to live with regrets for the rest of our lives. 

10. Reduce your screen time with a ‘No device’ day - This was one that was implemented in my house for a good 4 months about 2 years ago, and this is something I will again be considering.

When making a change, always keep in mind what it is that will help to keep you motivated, and what is the outcome that you wish to achieve.  This could be anything from saving money, becoming healthier, or simply enriching your own and your family’s life.